My little boy
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My boy is showing his true self. Timid no more.. Crazy little pup. Playing and playing. Whining and whining. So cute. Forgetful Alex did not feed Rusty today. Make me go all the way to his house to feed Rusty. I bet grandma was shocked to see me. Still, Rusty mama finally heard my little boy bark today. Once. =)
A fishy weekend
Monday, June 25, 2007
Row row row your boat.. Just return from a fishing trip in Bintan. Streets are selling like similar things everywhere. I see an otah stall and a keropok stall like every 3 steps. yup. Ridiculous. Its even more competitive that those sports outlet in queensway. The otah stalls are way too near. Some are even side by side. Anyway, my dad says the trip wasn't as fruitful as expected. To me, its fruitful enough. However, the entire stay on the boat is either sleeping or fishing. So if u are not some fishing enthusiatic ppl, don't try it. Jokes. Try it. Damn cool. Oh we went to a village? I think so. Very cool. We went there to buy crabs. oh, those ikan billis and mini salted fishes?! Better wash them before you cook or eat them. You never know who stepped on them. We came across a weird creature which I never come across with. It have the body of a crayfish and the head of a praying mantis. Rather cool. Delicious wise.. Hmm... Have to ask that guy who bought it. Yup. They have this funny bird as well. He can meow like a cat, cuckoo like a rooster, laugh like a man. Scariest of all, he can speak malay. Damn interesting. =)
This is our fishing boat.

The praying mantis sea creature.

Daddy, bro and the fishes we caught. I contributed 4 of those red fishes on the table.

Some weird fish that blew its stomach out. I think..

The spread of ikan billis i was talking about. Rem to wash..

The little shark that someone caught while I was asleep

Look how meaty those stringrays are. Too bad jane, you dont get any.

This is the little bunk where we sleep

My bro caught this.. Yup. A coral.

Birdnest building.

Little holes for the swallow mamas to enter and bulid their nests.
The Lust World
Thursday, June 21, 2007
On their way home from school, three little boys peep through a hole in the fence and see a naked women standing in the yard. Two of the boys gawk at her while the third runs away. The next day, the same thing happens. Finally, they ask the third boy, "Why do you keep running away?" The third boy says, "My mommy told me if I stare at a naked lady, I'll turn to stone. And every time I see her, a part of me gets harder!"
'Cookie' is now officially 'Rusty'.
Based on the 1990 US Census, Rusty was ranked the number 626 most popular Boys name in the US.
Rusty ranked 844 in the top 1000 given names for births in the 1990's (January 1990-August 1999).
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Finally. I am a mum. So happy. =) He's so cute. Haha. Though its not exactly a lucky day yesterday, Still loves Cookie. Oh, I got a $30 fine while getting Cookie his playpen fences. And our little boy puked in the car!!! Alex was traumatized for the first time by little animals. Heez. 沒用的男人!

My Little Boy

I am devastated!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mum strongly disagree with buying a new schnauzer. Sigh.. Super sad. Just went to visit cookie yesterday. I want Cookie, 10 month old standard schnauzer. He is so nice. Little timid though. Argh.. Any friend out there willing to help me look after cookie till school reopen? =(
Edited on 20 jun:My mistake. Cookie is a miniature schnauzer. Written on his birth cert. So cool. My ideal breed. =)
Butch Hunt 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007

Vote for Lane @ Contestant no. 7. One vote per day. So vote everyday.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Found this in a magazine. Work up a sweat where it counts.... in the bedroom.
Having sex with a guy with a tiny prick
=122 caloriesHaving sex with a well-endowed man
=18 caloriesSuffering from penis envy
=72 caloriesTaking her bra off with both hands
=8 caloriesTaking her bra off with your teeth
=85 caloriesInstructing your partner how to please you
=25 caloriesTrying to open your eyes as he goes through the same old motion
=33 caloriesJoining the mile high club in first class
=38 caloriesJoining the mile high club in budget airline
=100 caloriesGetting caught with your pants down
=60 caloriesTrying to explain yourself
=160 calories69 lying down
=78 calories69 standing up
=112 caloriesMoaning ecstatically
=11 caloriesBiting down on a pillow to stifle your passionate screams
=79 caloriesHaving a real orgasm
=112 caloriesFaking an orgasm
=315 caloriesDressing up after sex with your father knocking at the door
=1218 caloriesDressing up after sex with
her father knocking at the door
=3521 calories
Girls!!! Look out for the 色伯伯 on the move!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I am totally jealous. The dessert shop in fareast. Stupid lichen ordered the mango must try thingy. Argh. Jealous. Shouldn't have order the watermelon aloe vera plus sago. Its nice but the mango thingy is much nicer. Its a must-try. I'll try it next time. JEalous.
Anyway, I tot Mr Alex was cute yesterday. He kinda sent me home. We kinda boarded the same bus according to him. Actually we did board the same bus but he was not going to send me home according to him. Hmm.. Then we were texting each other on the bus. I feel it's sweet. Anyway, he moved to sit beside me like suddenly. Acting like he's a 色伯伯. We still continue texting but more me calling for help to save me from that 色伯伯. Haha. The guy across was totally funny. Think he tot Alex was a se bei bei. He was kinda looking out for me. So nice. I bet if I gave that innocent and scared eyes, he will come over and help. So cool. Oh oh, the girl infront. Kept banging her head on the window with loud thuds. Super funny. A fun funny day afterall. Still want a mini schnauzer. Mummy!!!

PS: Look at the well tucked in Mr chekopek scratching his ass, on his way to trick young fine girl like me=)
懶惰虫 Visiting.
Monday, June 11, 2007
We went 懶惰虫 visiting yesterday. This time we bought 2 cans of dog food. Next time we'll bring better food. Weird though, Dog Mummy kept attacking Newbie. Still, 懶惰虫 is still very 懶惰. And worse, 懶惰虫 hump me yesterday.. Erm.. Kinda weird. Still think he's cute though. Oh oh, Everyone is a cam-whore. HAha. Except for dog papa. Totally camera shy. Argh.. I want a mini schnauzer. Still on my way to persuade my mum.
Little Boy
Saturday, June 9, 2007
My nephew says:"Vampire suck blood, I drink milk".
Brazilian Babe
Friday, June 8, 2007
Yeah. I am a brazilian babe.
I love 懶惰虫s
Thursday, June 7, 2007
You claimed you did. Hmm.. Alright, my bad then. You did. I gave in only because I was happy yesterday.. Hmm.. Nz friendly yesterday, free beer after that. How cool. But we're not cheapo. Didn't even drink a sip. Alex came to terror club to pick me. Sooo nice. We went for dinner and yishun dam after that. We brought food for 懶惰虫 and family. They have a newcommer.Its a he. We named him newbie. Timid little pup. Should have called him timothy. Haha.. Jokes. Soo cool.. 懶惰虫 seems to remember us. He kinda snuggle under my arms and kept standing between alex's legs. I think maybe he finally find his real kind.The 懶惰虫s. 懶惰虫 junior and 懶惰虫 senior got along well.. So happy. I am happy for them too ;p They are sooo cute. Dog 爸爸 and dog 妈妈 forever so cool. Don't know why. They are all so cool. Gonna visit them at least once a week. Don't care..
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Kinda disappointed yesterday despite spending quality time with lazy bum. Hmm.. Have you ever wonder? Why am I always so willing to send you home? I think it's some addiction or habit that had slowly become part of my life. Everytime I leave, I'll peep through my rear mirror. Everytime, I'll see you walking towards your lobby, giving at least a glance at my car. Don't know why, I feel some kind of special after that. Like you are watching over me or something like that.. Hmm.. Don't know how to explain. It's a girl thing i assume. However, yesterday, no glance. Not at all. You headed straight to the lobby. Some weird feeling I had yesterday. Don't quite like that feeling. Watch me. Will ya?
Spongebob squarepants
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Are'your ready
Aiye Captain! I can't hear you.....
Aiye Captain! Woo..... Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Spongebob Squarepants...
Heez.. Went
spongebobing live yesterday with Alex and nephew,Bryan.
Soo many kids.
Soo cool. Bryan believes that Alex was
patrick. I guess it's the tummy. ;) Anyway, Not exactly as fun as tot
coz of that annoying
and irritating boyfriend I have. Overall, Still a fun day.
Happy First Month
Monday, June 4, 2007
Happy First Month.. Actually it was yesterday..Still Happy anniversary. I must praise my Alex.
Hmm.. This guy, waited nearly 9 hours for me on Sat.
Ntu touch Attack. I had no choice but to leave him alone in hall. He was totally pathetic. He was
penniless and hungry. Wallet and cell
phone was in my car. Lazy bum was to lazy to travel to
src to collect.
Hmm.. Even though he spent his waiting time watching 4 movies and having a little nap, I received no complaints from him. How cute. I was like a guilty little mum returned home late with a
hot dog bun, chicken wing and ice lemon tea, hoping to please my big boy fallen asleep in a weird position. :) Still, Thanks Baby. Happy First month. Love
Museum Bonanza
Friday is our museum bonanza. Super cool. We are supposed to visit 4 museums in a day. Sadly, we only visited one. The
Asian Civilisations Museum. We spent hours inside the museum. Lots of cool stuff and adventure. I love the tea shop the most. We kinda
Soooo cool. We get to dress up like some
wayang ppl.
Haha. Damn cool. The clothes are totally tight fitting for the big Alex.. Oh oh, my favourite gallery was the china or
Asia i think. Damn cool. They have this royal vehicle with a head of a dragon-like monster. Super cool. Super addictive. Couldn't take my eyes of that head...
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
My little boy
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My boy is showing his true self. Timid no more.. Crazy little pup. Playing and playing. Whining and whining. So cute. Forgetful Alex did not feed Rusty today. Make me go all the way to his house to feed Rusty. I bet grandma was shocked to see me. Still, Rusty mama finally heard my little boy bark today. Once. =)
A fishy weekend
Monday, June 25, 2007
Row row row your boat.. Just return from a fishing trip in Bintan. Streets are selling like similar things everywhere. I see an otah stall and a keropok stall like every 3 steps. yup. Ridiculous. Its even more competitive that those sports outlet in queensway. The otah stalls are way too near. Some are even side by side. Anyway, my dad says the trip wasn't as fruitful as expected. To me, its fruitful enough. However, the entire stay on the boat is either sleeping or fishing. So if u are not some fishing enthusiatic ppl, don't try it. Jokes. Try it. Damn cool. Oh we went to a village? I think so. Very cool. We went there to buy crabs. oh, those ikan billis and mini salted fishes?! Better wash them before you cook or eat them. You never know who stepped on them. We came across a weird creature which I never come across with. It have the body of a crayfish and the head of a praying mantis. Rather cool. Delicious wise.. Hmm... Have to ask that guy who bought it. Yup. They have this funny bird as well. He can meow like a cat, cuckoo like a rooster, laugh like a man. Scariest of all, he can speak malay. Damn interesting. =)
This is our fishing boat.

The praying mantis sea creature.

Daddy, bro and the fishes we caught. I contributed 4 of those red fishes on the table.

Some weird fish that blew its stomach out. I think..

The spread of ikan billis i was talking about. Rem to wash..

The little shark that someone caught while I was asleep

Look how meaty those stringrays are. Too bad jane, you dont get any.

This is the little bunk where we sleep

My bro caught this.. Yup. A coral.

Birdnest building.

Little holes for the swallow mamas to enter and bulid their nests.
The Lust World
Thursday, June 21, 2007
On their way home from school, three little boys peep through a hole in the fence and see a naked women standing in the yard. Two of the boys gawk at her while the third runs away. The next day, the same thing happens. Finally, they ask the third boy, "Why do you keep running away?" The third boy says, "My mommy told me if I stare at a naked lady, I'll turn to stone. And every time I see her, a part of me gets harder!"
'Cookie' is now officially 'Rusty'.
Based on the 1990 US Census, Rusty was ranked the number 626 most popular Boys name in the US.
Rusty ranked 844 in the top 1000 given names for births in the 1990's (January 1990-August 1999).
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Finally. I am a mum. So happy. =) He's so cute. Haha. Though its not exactly a lucky day yesterday, Still loves Cookie. Oh, I got a $30 fine while getting Cookie his playpen fences. And our little boy puked in the car!!! Alex was traumatized for the first time by little animals. Heez. 沒用的男人!

My Little Boy

I am devastated!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mum strongly disagree with buying a new schnauzer. Sigh.. Super sad. Just went to visit cookie yesterday. I want Cookie, 10 month old standard schnauzer. He is so nice. Little timid though. Argh.. Any friend out there willing to help me look after cookie till school reopen? =(
Edited on 20 jun:My mistake. Cookie is a miniature schnauzer. Written on his birth cert. So cool. My ideal breed. =)
Butch Hunt 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007

Vote for Lane @ Contestant no. 7. One vote per day. So vote everyday.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Found this in a magazine. Work up a sweat where it counts.... in the bedroom.
Having sex with a guy with a tiny prick
=122 caloriesHaving sex with a well-endowed man
=18 caloriesSuffering from penis envy
=72 caloriesTaking her bra off with both hands
=8 caloriesTaking her bra off with your teeth
=85 caloriesInstructing your partner how to please you
=25 caloriesTrying to open your eyes as he goes through the same old motion
=33 caloriesJoining the mile high club in first class
=38 caloriesJoining the mile high club in budget airline
=100 caloriesGetting caught with your pants down
=60 caloriesTrying to explain yourself
=160 calories69 lying down
=78 calories69 standing up
=112 caloriesMoaning ecstatically
=11 caloriesBiting down on a pillow to stifle your passionate screams
=79 caloriesHaving a real orgasm
=112 caloriesFaking an orgasm
=315 caloriesDressing up after sex with your father knocking at the door
=1218 caloriesDressing up after sex with
her father knocking at the door
=3521 calories
Girls!!! Look out for the 色伯伯 on the move!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I am totally jealous. The dessert shop in fareast. Stupid lichen ordered the mango must try thingy. Argh. Jealous. Shouldn't have order the watermelon aloe vera plus sago. Its nice but the mango thingy is much nicer. Its a must-try. I'll try it next time. JEalous.
Anyway, I tot Mr Alex was cute yesterday. He kinda sent me home. We kinda boarded the same bus according to him. Actually we did board the same bus but he was not going to send me home according to him. Hmm.. Then we were texting each other on the bus. I feel it's sweet. Anyway, he moved to sit beside me like suddenly. Acting like he's a 色伯伯. We still continue texting but more me calling for help to save me from that 色伯伯. Haha. The guy across was totally funny. Think he tot Alex was a se bei bei. He was kinda looking out for me. So nice. I bet if I gave that innocent and scared eyes, he will come over and help. So cool. Oh oh, the girl infront. Kept banging her head on the window with loud thuds. Super funny. A fun funny day afterall. Still want a mini schnauzer. Mummy!!!

PS: Look at the well tucked in Mr chekopek scratching his ass, on his way to trick young fine girl like me=)
懶惰虫 Visiting.
Monday, June 11, 2007
We went 懶惰虫 visiting yesterday. This time we bought 2 cans of dog food. Next time we'll bring better food. Weird though, Dog Mummy kept attacking Newbie. Still, 懶惰虫 is still very 懶惰. And worse, 懶惰虫 hump me yesterday.. Erm.. Kinda weird. Still think he's cute though. Oh oh, Everyone is a cam-whore. HAha. Except for dog papa. Totally camera shy. Argh.. I want a mini schnauzer. Still on my way to persuade my mum.
Little Boy
Saturday, June 9, 2007
My nephew says:"Vampire suck blood, I drink milk".
Brazilian Babe
Friday, June 8, 2007
Yeah. I am a brazilian babe.
I love 懶惰虫s
Thursday, June 7, 2007
You claimed you did. Hmm.. Alright, my bad then. You did. I gave in only because I was happy yesterday.. Hmm.. Nz friendly yesterday, free beer after that. How cool. But we're not cheapo. Didn't even drink a sip. Alex came to terror club to pick me. Sooo nice. We went for dinner and yishun dam after that. We brought food for 懶惰虫 and family. They have a newcommer.Its a he. We named him newbie. Timid little pup. Should have called him timothy. Haha.. Jokes. Soo cool.. 懶惰虫 seems to remember us. He kinda snuggle under my arms and kept standing between alex's legs. I think maybe he finally find his real kind.The 懶惰虫s. 懶惰虫 junior and 懶惰虫 senior got along well.. So happy. I am happy for them too ;p They are sooo cute. Dog 爸爸 and dog 妈妈 forever so cool. Don't know why. They are all so cool. Gonna visit them at least once a week. Don't care..
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Kinda disappointed yesterday despite spending quality time with lazy bum. Hmm.. Have you ever wonder? Why am I always so willing to send you home? I think it's some addiction or habit that had slowly become part of my life. Everytime I leave, I'll peep through my rear mirror. Everytime, I'll see you walking towards your lobby, giving at least a glance at my car. Don't know why, I feel some kind of special after that. Like you are watching over me or something like that.. Hmm.. Don't know how to explain. It's a girl thing i assume. However, yesterday, no glance. Not at all. You headed straight to the lobby. Some weird feeling I had yesterday. Don't quite like that feeling. Watch me. Will ya?
Spongebob squarepants
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Are'your ready
Aiye Captain! I can't hear you.....
Aiye Captain! Woo..... Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Spongebob Squarepants...
Heez.. Went
spongebobing live yesterday with Alex and nephew,Bryan.
Soo many kids.
Soo cool. Bryan believes that Alex was
patrick. I guess it's the tummy. ;) Anyway, Not exactly as fun as tot
coz of that annoying
and irritating boyfriend I have. Overall, Still a fun day.
Happy First Month
Monday, June 4, 2007
Happy First Month.. Actually it was yesterday..Still Happy anniversary. I must praise my Alex.
Hmm.. This guy, waited nearly 9 hours for me on Sat.
Ntu touch Attack. I had no choice but to leave him alone in hall. He was totally pathetic. He was
penniless and hungry. Wallet and cell
phone was in my car. Lazy bum was to lazy to travel to
src to collect.
Hmm.. Even though he spent his waiting time watching 4 movies and having a little nap, I received no complaints from him. How cute. I was like a guilty little mum returned home late with a
hot dog bun, chicken wing and ice lemon tea, hoping to please my big boy fallen asleep in a weird position. :) Still, Thanks Baby. Happy First month. Love
Museum Bonanza
Friday is our museum bonanza. Super cool. We are supposed to visit 4 museums in a day. Sadly, we only visited one. The
Asian Civilisations Museum. We spent hours inside the museum. Lots of cool stuff and adventure. I love the tea shop the most. We kinda
Soooo cool. We get to dress up like some
wayang ppl.
Haha. Damn cool. The clothes are totally tight fitting for the big Alex.. Oh oh, my favourite gallery was the china or
Asia i think. Damn cool. They have this royal vehicle with a head of a dragon-like monster. Super cool. Super addictive. Couldn't take my eyes of that head...
I could hear you calling for me.