Tick tock on the clock, the party don't the stop.
My Roomie
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I always thought of you as a quiet(abit too quiet) and sweet girl- you still are except the quiet thingy is getting better. Your sweetness and quietness are often taken advantage of by others easily. However, time has changed you for the better and stronger. You stand in front of me as a women now. An independent women which I sometimes adores. Your bravery against injustice brings pain to ppl ard you-that's me. I think you are just to nice to bad ppl out there. Don't get bully by ppl easily. You don't deserve to be treated badly. Not that I am strong or smart, but I'll try to protect you from harm and give you my full support. I know you will do that for me too. =) That's what I like about you. You cares-secretly. =) Be happy.
Thanks to all
Thanks for all the care and concern for ppl out there. My mum is getting better. She just discharged today. However, she is still on tubes. So she can only stay at home and heal her infection. Then she can go for the op. Hmm.. Get well soon, Mum. Love you
I can't stop
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I can't stop thinking
I can't stop imagining
I can't stop tearing
I sort of dislike you now.
Pretty painful for everything I love. My family, boyfriend and Coyotes.
Mum's sick. My eyes was teary when i saw her. The strong figure whose always there for me is lying weakly in front of me. She has like needles everywhere. Its painful to see her in such pain. When the nurse remove one of the needles, I could tell that mum is putting on a brave front. Love you mum. Get well soon.
Coyotes, I am terribly sorry that I didn't make it to the game. I could have go down for the game but to me, family comes first. I really do want to play. I was in a dilemma the night before. Thinking shd I go or not.I am afraid I might affect the team today. I rather not play than play it without my full focus. Sorry girls. Still, my mum asked why I didn't go for my game, pretty happy that she remembered I have a game and pretty much realised the importance of touch in my life. Still, I need to show my mum, she's more important. Anyway, 1-1 is not a bad score. We didn't win but at least we didn't lose. =) Cheer up.
As for Alex, kinda disappointing. I shall not mention why. Anyway, your last text me suckz. I was hoping if you will say something like if I need you to visit my mum. But nope. You chose to not disturb me and let me do my things. Which clearly I have nth to do.
Thursday Fun
Friday, September 21, 2007
Lotsa fun today! Despite having no time to finish thermo quiz. Hmm.. Fun being with the naughty nips. Thanks for coming. =) PLaying touch with the guys wasn't fun. Eating together and mocking ppl was fun. haha.. I am happy that you guys came. *muackz*
Another happy thingy. Cheerleading.. I have always tot the damn zai cheerleaders are the ang mohs, thai and japs. Hmm.. Oh well. Taiwanese are as good. Adding on, they are humble and encouraging. They are so nice to us. They are really good. I look up to them. =)yeah
15 September 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The best match ever since I graduated from NYJC. Jc level touch Rugby was easier to score and brought in lotsa sense of achievement and happiness to me. That was when I was SSS. HAHA. Anyway, Last sat, SRCoyotes Vs Wantok Taniwhas. I am super happy after we won the match. We went turf looking for a draw but we got more. We beat our strongest opponent. =) Yeah. We ate chilli crab after that... haha
This is the coolest chair ever
Friday, September 7, 2007
I'll do anything for this chair.. Sooo coool...
Mahjong Bonanza
Mahjong fanatics out there. Love mahjong?! You will definitely love hall 1 Blk 18. Never stopping mahjong sessions in different rooms... I have nothing much to comment actually... Mahjong is calling out for me!!!
Happy fourth Month Anniversary
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
A fEw hours late. Still HAppy Anniversary. Happy and surprised you remembered since I've totally forgotten. Thanks for remembering. =)Happy Happy.
Hall Ball 2007
A picture paints a 1000 words. Enjoy the pics folks. =)

All dressed up for the ball- brazillian style

THe magician

Kill the SpaRtan


Who's the boss?!

KA Leonggggggg...!!!!! =)

ExcHanginG HeaDgeArs. I think I still look good.. =)

Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
My Roomie
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I always thought of you as a quiet(abit too quiet) and sweet girl- you still are except the quiet thingy is getting better. Your sweetness and quietness are often taken advantage of by others easily. However, time has changed you for the better and stronger. You stand in front of me as a women now. An independent women which I sometimes adores. Your bravery against injustice brings pain to ppl ard you-that's me. I think you are just to nice to bad ppl out there. Don't get bully by ppl easily. You don't deserve to be treated badly. Not that I am strong or smart, but I'll try to protect you from harm and give you my full support. I know you will do that for me too. =) That's what I like about you. You cares-secretly. =) Be happy.
Thanks to all
Thanks for all the care and concern for ppl out there. My mum is getting better. She just discharged today. However, she is still on tubes. So she can only stay at home and heal her infection. Then she can go for the op. Hmm.. Get well soon, Mum. Love you
I can't stop
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I can't stop thinking
I can't stop imagining
I can't stop tearing
I sort of dislike you now.
Pretty painful for everything I love. My family, boyfriend and Coyotes.
Mum's sick. My eyes was teary when i saw her. The strong figure whose always there for me is lying weakly in front of me. She has like needles everywhere. Its painful to see her in such pain. When the nurse remove one of the needles, I could tell that mum is putting on a brave front. Love you mum. Get well soon.
Coyotes, I am terribly sorry that I didn't make it to the game. I could have go down for the game but to me, family comes first. I really do want to play. I was in a dilemma the night before. Thinking shd I go or not.I am afraid I might affect the team today. I rather not play than play it without my full focus. Sorry girls. Still, my mum asked why I didn't go for my game, pretty happy that she remembered I have a game and pretty much realised the importance of touch in my life. Still, I need to show my mum, she's more important. Anyway, 1-1 is not a bad score. We didn't win but at least we didn't lose. =) Cheer up.
As for Alex, kinda disappointing. I shall not mention why. Anyway, your last text me suckz. I was hoping if you will say something like if I need you to visit my mum. But nope. You chose to not disturb me and let me do my things. Which clearly I have nth to do.
Thursday Fun
Friday, September 21, 2007
Lotsa fun today! Despite having no time to finish thermo quiz. Hmm.. Fun being with the naughty nips. Thanks for coming. =) PLaying touch with the guys wasn't fun. Eating together and mocking ppl was fun. haha.. I am happy that you guys came. *muackz*
Another happy thingy. Cheerleading.. I have always tot the damn zai cheerleaders are the ang mohs, thai and japs. Hmm.. Oh well. Taiwanese are as good. Adding on, they are humble and encouraging. They are so nice to us. They are really good. I look up to them. =)yeah
15 September 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The best match ever since I graduated from NYJC. Jc level touch Rugby was easier to score and brought in lotsa sense of achievement and happiness to me. That was when I was SSS. HAHA. Anyway, Last sat, SRCoyotes Vs Wantok Taniwhas. I am super happy after we won the match. We went turf looking for a draw but we got more. We beat our strongest opponent. =) Yeah. We ate chilli crab after that... haha
This is the coolest chair ever
Friday, September 7, 2007
I'll do anything for this chair.. Sooo coool...
Mahjong Bonanza
Mahjong fanatics out there. Love mahjong?! You will definitely love hall 1 Blk 18. Never stopping mahjong sessions in different rooms... I have nothing much to comment actually... Mahjong is calling out for me!!!
Happy fourth Month Anniversary
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
A fEw hours late. Still HAppy Anniversary. Happy and surprised you remembered since I've totally forgotten. Thanks for remembering. =)Happy Happy.
Hall Ball 2007
A picture paints a 1000 words. Enjoy the pics folks. =)

All dressed up for the ball- brazillian style

THe magician

Kill the SpaRtan


Who's the boss?!

KA Leonggggggg...!!!!! =)

ExcHanginG HeaDgeArs. I think I still look good.. =)

I could hear you calling for me.