CSI- Singapore
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today's forensics class was pretty interesting. We had a public speaker- Head of CSI-Singapore. He's quite funny. A typical uncle you will see ordering Char kway teow at the nearby hawker stall. He can't really speak fluent English, eg. Pronouncing 'booth' as 'butch'. =) Cute. At least he made his presentation interesting with lotsa pics. There's one that I strongly remembered. It was a pic of a fat lady lying on the bed dead- wearing only her bra and pantie. Most important thing saw, her nip popping out of her bra. kinda weird but still its a crime scene. Expect the unexpected. Like the women who killed herself with the cord of the public phone. You know, those phonecards phone, when the cords are metal and short. This women coiled the cord ard her neck and sit down. SHe died.
Pushing Daisies
Just started watching pushing daisies today.
It's cute and funny..
Sinful night
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
These are my supper..

Home-made Mango Pudding by Mummy.. =)

Finished it within seconds..

No more Durians=)

Rusty loves Durian too!!!

Finished everything off with my favourite Marigold Iced Lemon Tea
Feeling: Sinful plus fat
Worried Mum
Monday, October 29, 2007
Little red bumps are taking over my little Rusty's body. I find new bumps everyday. =( Wonder what is the cause. Is it the new dry food we bought for him? Hmm.. Is it the normal Schnauzer bumps? Sob Sob.. I have no idea... Good thing my little rascal is still as active.
So near yet so far
We got it, then we lost it- right at the tip of our fingers. Well said by Aisya. =( We semi-thrashed Bucks in the first-half. 5-2 in our favor. We were so gonna win. But the game ended with 6-5 in their favor. My god. We played our best attack but somewhat our worse defense. I really tot we can win. *Sigh* Too late. Fighting for 3rd place coming Sat. Doesn't really matter anymore.
PS: Someone elbowed me during the game. It still hurts.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Finally!!! After all the complaints and unhappiness going on in the touch world, Touch Singapore had finally made a reasonable decision on carrying on with the Womens B Semi-final this coming Sat, regardless the number of players Bucks has. Its probably unfair to Bucks but still, they chose to go on a holiday and they did not inform us earlier. Thus, this match will go on..
Erection Hardness
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stole this piture from my friend's blog. I thought it was pretty cute. =) She saw this in a hospital. =) So what's your hardness? Cucumber? =)
Irritatingly Unfair
I seriously thinks that this time Touch Singapore totally screwed up the League by trying to help Bucks. The reason for rejecting our 'petition'- moving on to the finals without Bucks, is that they are the top of the table. Thus, we can't just make them walk over because they are on HOLIDAY.. *Roll eyes*
So what if they are the top of the table?! So what if we are fourth in the table? We are all fighting for top four position. Most importantly, we are all paying the same amount of money to enter the league. Everybody have equal chance and equal say. I bet even if they are not the top of the table, They will still find some other stupid reasons.
Bucks screwed the fixture when they decided to go for holiday during the start of the league and almost all games have to be postponed due to THEM. Now,them again. Seriously its bladdy unfair. Unfair to the max. Worse, we can't do anything. It's just SBSBBB.
Now, somehow the best option is to walk over. We walk over. Ridiculous right?! We have to walk over because Bucks went on a Holiday?! Heh?! We have to walk over because we will be having our exams when Bucks return?! Heh?! Because of all these stupid reasons, we have to walk over semi-finals and play for the 3rd and 4th placing?! We trained so hard for a 3rd of 4th w/o medal? WTF. Just felt that its super unfair.
My world just went 360.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This is probably the happiest and proudest day of my cheerleading career, not that I have a career in this.=) Anyway, I DID Basket Toss BACKTUCK=) YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! In case you ppl who are reading don't understand what's that, it is a stunt where a person(ME)will be thrown up into the air and the person(ME again) will do a back flip in the air. =) Woohoo. I just did that. I amazed myself.
Funny fact
Forgot to reveal why Patrick is gay. =)Look at spongebob. He's being poke by Patrick everywhere.=)
Suddenly think its not very funny! hmm.. I laughed my heads off when I first heard of this. =)
Overall, its a happy day.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
School started as usual today- late for class without notes, lunch at peak hour. Nothing unusual or happy happened.
At least not until like 3pm, where I found my new friend, 长命百岁. Clearly from his name, you should know why I named him this- coz he never die. My 1st attempt of contact with him came with a murder intention, luckily he was just slightly wounded. He being so nice to stick around the table where he was almost squashed by alex's food tray, caused me to make him, my friend of the day.
So, I decided to bring him to school. I let him out of his tiny container for every lesson. He nv leave the table. That's why I like him. He will just roam around the table and reappeared in front of me again. Its like asking me to play with him. Well so I did. Heez.=) Have you guys ever petted a fly like insect? hmm. Well my friend allowed me to pet him today. =)
Meet my friend =)

More stuff going on in school. There is this big board outside Library1, it's about NTU Aids Day. The board wrote: " UNPROTECTED SEX IS:..." So people can feel free to fill in the blank and look what I found.

'Unprotected Sex is better than digging nose"
Funny Fact
Patrick is gay. Who knows why? Ans will be revealed tomorrow.=)
Engineers in the making
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Went for my make-up lab today. Pretty boring.. I had to join other groups in which none of them is my friend. Boo.. I felt weird trying to mingle so I didn't. However, something happy happened during or rather after the lab. Hmm.. Maybe I should say 'happy'.
I finished my work and realised all the rest of them were busy calculating some data like for 2 pages long. Hmm... I waited for awhile, attempting to somehow 'copy' or understand what they were doing. Wait no more, I decided to just ask the guy next to me to hand up my log sheet for me.
He gave me that shock face. 0_0 "You finished doing everything already?!", he said.
Being polite, I nodded and asked him what exactly are they all calculating-actually I somehow knew it already. Just asking..
They were busy answering to qns B part 1. 'Calculate the friction factor for ALL the samples.' My god?! They were calculating it coz qns A part 1 says you have to show your calculation for one sample.
Don't they understand Qns A is qns A? And B is B? They were separate parts because they are not meant to be ans the same way? Argh..Engineers' thinking. Not that I m not an engineer, but they don't allow you to just use computer for calculation for nothing.?!
Anyway, I decided to just leave. My ans to B part 1 is " Friction factor calculated in the printed table."
Happy because I love mocking!
Supposed to have our NTL Semi's today which is Wed at Padang. Think it is sort of cancelled because Bucks Mojito ala UWC is having their holiday break.. HEH?! WTH. Supposed to have our NTL final's this Sat at turf. No semi's = No final's. Ridiculous. SBSBBB.
Women B's finals will not be held before 10 Nov. Huh?! Most of will be in the midst of preparing for our exams. Crazy! So does that mean we can request for a postponed of semi's plus final's like until exams over. Which is like end of Nov. Bucks are usually the reasons behind all postponed games other than Selamat day. Argh.. Unhappy!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Waiting for my roomie to get out of the bathroom..

I am munching this now.. Yummy...
Daddy bought this for his little girl. =)
A beautiful Saturday
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hmm.. Day started with breakfast at AMK with Dad. Hmm.. Nothing unusual.
Followed by a trip to TTSH to visit my mum. She seems healthier but rather stubborn. She wasn't feeling well when Doc asked her to walk a short distance but she kept quiet. She only told us when Doc left. I tot it was pretty unnecessary. She kept quiet though her face already gave her up, just because she's afraid being unwell now will postpone her day of discharge. Heh?! That's my reaction. I just don't understand why the need to fake health. *Touch Wood* But isn't it worst if things were to happen when she's not under professional supervision? I surely don't want anything to happen to Mum but she's just stubborn.
Moving on, I went to turf for my mixed game against Bedok Kings. 14-1, our favor. However, I was the one who let in the try. =( Argh.. Still, there's lots of beautiful scores. Ah Hua damn li hai!!!! My god. His reflexes is like *clap* change of angle. I don't know how to describe- just superb. Now I know why Vie "likes" Ah Hua. haha.
Went Crabs eating with naughty nipples after that. Idiot! Wanted to to take pics of the crabs. They started w/o me. Nevermind.
Went Alex's uncle house after that. WTH. Its really like a dream house, a mini swimming pool by the side of the house, a balcony with sunbathing chair, a study room with the biggest lcd monitor, a living room with the biggest plasma TV and a karaoke room with 5800 songs. My god. They even have a guest room which totally look like a hotel room plus they have surveillance all ard the house. Dream-iest of all, is seeing the Porsche and Mercedes on the porch.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Saw this a couple of weeks ago... Under a VOID DECK!!!!

Got this set of mahjong tiles a couple of months ago

More than ridiculous
Allow myself to hang my pui pui beside Homer?!

Ridiculously weird
I sort of dislike
I sort of dislike somethings you do..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you don't do..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you say..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you don't say..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I failed to be the women I promised to be.
I'm gonna be the women I promised to be
Friday, October 5, 2007
I promised myself not to be angry
I promised myself not to be sad
I promised myself not to be disappointed
I promised myself not to expect
I promised myself not to be too nice
I promised myself not to be jealous
I promised myself not to care
I promised myself to keep it to myself
I am not stupid
I know more than you thought
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find the real me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I thought I have,
but has never came.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up again...as I fade away from all existence.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rusty's pee trail. My foot is there to show how long the trail is. Ridiculously.

I want that Ramly burger!
A series of unfortunate events happened.
Firstly, Wild wild wet was under annual maintenance. Secondly, Escape theme park only opens on weekend. Wtf. Our free tix weren't of any use. Lastly, we burnt the chalet's property by accident. =(
Besides all the unfortunate events, it was actually quite a holiday getaway. We just laze in the room, watch some movies and Desperate Housewives on the lappy. We swam our way through the transparent wall and flooring of the pool and spent unnecessary money on arcade.

on the cab

Our breakfast


We spent $8 trying to catch that devil in the circle.
BBq-ing was fun. Buying and preparing the food for the 2 of us is Even more fun. =) We bought soooo much food. So much that we couldn't finish even after feeding the cats. Slicing, marinating, poking, massaging and even removing of disgusting stuff from the fish's stomach was totally exciting. Especially, the peeling of prawn shells. I totally like peeling them.
Lotsa lotsa fun followed. We had fun setting up the fire, turning our food inedible and most importantly, turning our food totally edible. Look at the sausages I cooked, I'll make it to those international food competition with those shining, honey glazed sausage's. Yummy..

Having fun with the charcoal

Variaties!!! Tot the fish looked quite cool. We removed its intenstines. ewwee..

Our portable pit when it rains.

Delicious saugsages for sale.

Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
CSI- Singapore
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today's forensics class was pretty interesting. We had a public speaker- Head of CSI-Singapore. He's quite funny. A typical uncle you will see ordering Char kway teow at the nearby hawker stall. He can't really speak fluent English, eg. Pronouncing 'booth' as 'butch'. =) Cute. At least he made his presentation interesting with lotsa pics. There's one that I strongly remembered. It was a pic of a fat lady lying on the bed dead- wearing only her bra and pantie. Most important thing saw, her nip popping out of her bra. kinda weird but still its a crime scene. Expect the unexpected. Like the women who killed herself with the cord of the public phone. You know, those phonecards phone, when the cords are metal and short. This women coiled the cord ard her neck and sit down. SHe died.
Pushing Daisies
Just started watching pushing daisies today.
It's cute and funny..
Sinful night
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
These are my supper..

Home-made Mango Pudding by Mummy.. =)

Finished it within seconds..

No more Durians=)

Rusty loves Durian too!!!

Finished everything off with my favourite Marigold Iced Lemon Tea
Feeling: Sinful plus fat
Worried Mum
Monday, October 29, 2007
Little red bumps are taking over my little Rusty's body. I find new bumps everyday. =( Wonder what is the cause. Is it the new dry food we bought for him? Hmm.. Is it the normal Schnauzer bumps? Sob Sob.. I have no idea... Good thing my little rascal is still as active.
So near yet so far
We got it, then we lost it- right at the tip of our fingers. Well said by Aisya. =( We semi-thrashed Bucks in the first-half. 5-2 in our favor. We were so gonna win. But the game ended with 6-5 in their favor. My god. We played our best attack but somewhat our worse defense. I really tot we can win. *Sigh* Too late. Fighting for 3rd place coming Sat. Doesn't really matter anymore.
PS: Someone elbowed me during the game. It still hurts.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Finally!!! After all the complaints and unhappiness going on in the touch world, Touch Singapore had finally made a reasonable decision on carrying on with the Womens B Semi-final this coming Sat, regardless the number of players Bucks has. Its probably unfair to Bucks but still, they chose to go on a holiday and they did not inform us earlier. Thus, this match will go on..
Erection Hardness
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stole this piture from my friend's blog. I thought it was pretty cute. =) She saw this in a hospital. =) So what's your hardness? Cucumber? =)
Irritatingly Unfair
I seriously thinks that this time Touch Singapore totally screwed up the League by trying to help Bucks. The reason for rejecting our 'petition'- moving on to the finals without Bucks, is that they are the top of the table. Thus, we can't just make them walk over because they are on HOLIDAY.. *Roll eyes*
So what if they are the top of the table?! So what if we are fourth in the table? We are all fighting for top four position. Most importantly, we are all paying the same amount of money to enter the league. Everybody have equal chance and equal say. I bet even if they are not the top of the table, They will still find some other stupid reasons.
Bucks screwed the fixture when they decided to go for holiday during the start of the league and almost all games have to be postponed due to THEM. Now,them again. Seriously its bladdy unfair. Unfair to the max. Worse, we can't do anything. It's just SBSBBB.
Now, somehow the best option is to walk over. We walk over. Ridiculous right?! We have to walk over because Bucks went on a Holiday?! Heh?! We have to walk over because we will be having our exams when Bucks return?! Heh?! Because of all these stupid reasons, we have to walk over semi-finals and play for the 3rd and 4th placing?! We trained so hard for a 3rd of 4th w/o medal? WTF. Just felt that its super unfair.
My world just went 360.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This is probably the happiest and proudest day of my cheerleading career, not that I have a career in this.=) Anyway, I DID Basket Toss BACKTUCK=) YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! In case you ppl who are reading don't understand what's that, it is a stunt where a person(ME)will be thrown up into the air and the person(ME again) will do a back flip in the air. =) Woohoo. I just did that. I amazed myself.
Funny fact
Forgot to reveal why Patrick is gay. =)Look at spongebob. He's being poke by Patrick everywhere.=)
Suddenly think its not very funny! hmm.. I laughed my heads off when I first heard of this. =)
Overall, its a happy day.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
School started as usual today- late for class without notes, lunch at peak hour. Nothing unusual or happy happened.
At least not until like 3pm, where I found my new friend, 长命百岁. Clearly from his name, you should know why I named him this- coz he never die. My 1st attempt of contact with him came with a murder intention, luckily he was just slightly wounded. He being so nice to stick around the table where he was almost squashed by alex's food tray, caused me to make him, my friend of the day.
So, I decided to bring him to school. I let him out of his tiny container for every lesson. He nv leave the table. That's why I like him. He will just roam around the table and reappeared in front of me again. Its like asking me to play with him. Well so I did. Heez.=) Have you guys ever petted a fly like insect? hmm. Well my friend allowed me to pet him today. =)
Meet my friend =)

More stuff going on in school. There is this big board outside Library1, it's about NTU Aids Day. The board wrote: " UNPROTECTED SEX IS:..." So people can feel free to fill in the blank and look what I found.

'Unprotected Sex is better than digging nose"
Funny Fact
Patrick is gay. Who knows why? Ans will be revealed tomorrow.=)
Engineers in the making
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Went for my make-up lab today. Pretty boring.. I had to join other groups in which none of them is my friend. Boo.. I felt weird trying to mingle so I didn't. However, something happy happened during or rather after the lab. Hmm.. Maybe I should say 'happy'.
I finished my work and realised all the rest of them were busy calculating some data like for 2 pages long. Hmm... I waited for awhile, attempting to somehow 'copy' or understand what they were doing. Wait no more, I decided to just ask the guy next to me to hand up my log sheet for me.
He gave me that shock face. 0_0 "You finished doing everything already?!", he said.
Being polite, I nodded and asked him what exactly are they all calculating-actually I somehow knew it already. Just asking..
They were busy answering to qns B part 1. 'Calculate the friction factor for ALL the samples.' My god?! They were calculating it coz qns A part 1 says you have to show your calculation for one sample.
Don't they understand Qns A is qns A? And B is B? They were separate parts because they are not meant to be ans the same way? Argh..Engineers' thinking. Not that I m not an engineer, but they don't allow you to just use computer for calculation for nothing.?!
Anyway, I decided to just leave. My ans to B part 1 is " Friction factor calculated in the printed table."
Happy because I love mocking!
Supposed to have our NTL Semi's today which is Wed at Padang. Think it is sort of cancelled because Bucks Mojito ala UWC is having their holiday break.. HEH?! WTH. Supposed to have our NTL final's this Sat at turf. No semi's = No final's. Ridiculous. SBSBBB.
Women B's finals will not be held before 10 Nov. Huh?! Most of will be in the midst of preparing for our exams. Crazy! So does that mean we can request for a postponed of semi's plus final's like until exams over. Which is like end of Nov. Bucks are usually the reasons behind all postponed games other than Selamat day. Argh.. Unhappy!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Waiting for my roomie to get out of the bathroom..

I am munching this now.. Yummy...
Daddy bought this for his little girl. =)
A beautiful Saturday
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hmm.. Day started with breakfast at AMK with Dad. Hmm.. Nothing unusual.
Followed by a trip to TTSH to visit my mum. She seems healthier but rather stubborn. She wasn't feeling well when Doc asked her to walk a short distance but she kept quiet. She only told us when Doc left. I tot it was pretty unnecessary. She kept quiet though her face already gave her up, just because she's afraid being unwell now will postpone her day of discharge. Heh?! That's my reaction. I just don't understand why the need to fake health. *Touch Wood* But isn't it worst if things were to happen when she's not under professional supervision? I surely don't want anything to happen to Mum but she's just stubborn.
Moving on, I went to turf for my mixed game against Bedok Kings. 14-1, our favor. However, I was the one who let in the try. =( Argh.. Still, there's lots of beautiful scores. Ah Hua damn li hai!!!! My god. His reflexes is like *clap* change of angle. I don't know how to describe- just superb. Now I know why Vie "likes" Ah Hua. haha.
Went Crabs eating with naughty nipples after that. Idiot! Wanted to to take pics of the crabs. They started w/o me. Nevermind.
Went Alex's uncle house after that. WTH. Its really like a dream house, a mini swimming pool by the side of the house, a balcony with sunbathing chair, a study room with the biggest lcd monitor, a living room with the biggest plasma TV and a karaoke room with 5800 songs. My god. They even have a guest room which totally look like a hotel room plus they have surveillance all ard the house. Dream-iest of all, is seeing the Porsche and Mercedes on the porch.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Saw this a couple of weeks ago... Under a VOID DECK!!!!

Got this set of mahjong tiles a couple of months ago

More than ridiculous
Allow myself to hang my pui pui beside Homer?!

Ridiculously weird
I sort of dislike
I sort of dislike somethings you do..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you don't do..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you say..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I sort of dislike somethings you don't say..
I can't tell you
coz you will sort of dislike me too..
I failed to be the women I promised to be.
I'm gonna be the women I promised to be
Friday, October 5, 2007
I promised myself not to be angry
I promised myself not to be sad
I promised myself not to be disappointed
I promised myself not to expect
I promised myself not to be too nice
I promised myself not to be jealous
I promised myself not to care
I promised myself to keep it to myself
I am not stupid
I know more than you thought
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find the real me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I thought I have,
but has never came.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up again...as I fade away from all existence.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rusty's pee trail. My foot is there to show how long the trail is. Ridiculously.

I want that Ramly burger!
A series of unfortunate events happened.
Firstly, Wild wild wet was under annual maintenance. Secondly, Escape theme park only opens on weekend. Wtf. Our free tix weren't of any use. Lastly, we burnt the chalet's property by accident. =(
Besides all the unfortunate events, it was actually quite a holiday getaway. We just laze in the room, watch some movies and Desperate Housewives on the lappy. We swam our way through the transparent wall and flooring of the pool and spent unnecessary money on arcade.

on the cab

Our breakfast


We spent $8 trying to catch that devil in the circle.
BBq-ing was fun. Buying and preparing the food for the 2 of us is Even more fun. =) We bought soooo much food. So much that we couldn't finish even after feeding the cats. Slicing, marinating, poking, massaging and even removing of disgusting stuff from the fish's stomach was totally exciting. Especially, the peeling of prawn shells. I totally like peeling them.
Lotsa lotsa fun followed. We had fun setting up the fire, turning our food inedible and most importantly, turning our food totally edible. Look at the sausages I cooked, I'll make it to those international food competition with those shining, honey glazed sausage's. Yummy..

Having fun with the charcoal

Variaties!!! Tot the fish looked quite cool. We removed its intenstines. ewwee..

Our portable pit when it rains.

Delicious saugsages for sale.

I could hear you calling for me.