Killer steamboat
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I forgot to mention that me falling sick maybe due to too much steamboat on Christmas Day. Alex, Chong Meng, Wenqi and me went to bugis for a steamboat dinner and return with sickness the following day. Alex: Diarrhea 4 or 5 times a day. Chong Meng: Fever plus diarrhea. Wenqi: Diarrhea and feeling weak. Eileen aka me: Fever, flu and fainty.
I am not 100% sure if it's due to the steamboat. But 4 people falling sick at the same time is a point to be noted..

Place where we had our steamboat dinner.
Eat at your own risk....
Christmas Sickness
Falling really sick this few days.
I almost fainted in the train yesterday while travelling back to school for ivp training. Luckily Alex was around and managed to lead me out of the train. Hmm.. This is the third time of my life feeling fainty. First time was due to the call of mother nature. Menses cramp like crazy. I almost fainted at the a hawker centre. I can still remember the handmade noodle I ordered. I hardly ate any. Second time was after a minor surgery. I tot I was well enough to walk until my vision started to blur. And then was yesterday. Good thing I never really faint before.
Anyway, besides the fainting thingy, I was down with fever and flu I think. So I really didn't mean to skip IVP training. I am feeling alittle better today though.
Yup=) Get well soon...
Chaotic Week
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Won my first table tennis match. First set: 11-0. Second match: 11-0. Third match: 11-0. because opponent walked over. yeah =)
Won my first softball match. Opponent walked over again. yeah=)
Lost my first tennis match because opponent did not walk over. =(
Won hockey match without opponent walking over. yeah yeah=)
Rudey the road runner
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Just returned DD(real name: Milo) to his owner. Sort of happy yet sad. I m gonna miss him..
New kid in the house.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Rudey or rather D.D
Alex and I found DD last Sat at Serangoon North. He was just wandering around the streets. Initially, we wanted to keep him. Poor little DD is sort afraid of friendly little Rusty. We are still trying to find DD a new owner before he ran away again like he always do. Anyone want a Maltese?
Name: Rudey the Road runner
Sex: Male- sterilised
Breed: Maltese
Build: Skinny
Color: White
Paper trained
There all I know about him. He is really very sweet. He is pretty timid and surely loves the company of human beings. He loves hugging. HE loves sleeping beside you. He will just hop on to the bed and sleep beside you without you even knowing until you wake up. He really need lots of love and care which sadly I can't give him. I do not have the time to protect him when he is scared and I can't spend all my spare time with him and neglect my little boy Rusty. I really love DD but I cant give him a safe and warm home. Anyone out there wants to adopt him?

DD sleeping so comfy on Alex's bed


Spot the living thing.

Do they all have to happen at the same time?!
There's like trainings or matches every single day.
And Stupid IVP clashes with my Bangkok trip. The fact that I'm gonna miss two Ivp matches due to the trip is killing me. I am training my hardest like every single training now. My legs are aching like crazy, feel like they are gonna give way anytime. But it is sort of worth it. Every since the friendly with South Africa Boys, I learned a new thing from trg and gain a new goal for the next trg. Sort of happy. Think I m really growing as a player.
Still, I am really exhausted.
Pulau Ubin
Monday, December 3, 2007
It had been 10000 years since I set foot on the island. Still remember the last time I went, was with my family. We went there for our usual fishing trip. Dad used to bring us to every part of Singapore to fish every Sunday. Sometimes we get to go overseas to fish with him=)
Back to yesterday, Pulau Ubin looks so different as compared to 10000 years ago. I don't know- it's just different. We went to Chek Jewa. Everything went well. We climbed the super tall viewing tower, dug for little crabs and killed one accidentally and looked at little mud skippers suntanning on the rocks. Me and Wen Qi even saw a wild boar family running right across the path in front of us. Cool. We even went to this so called 'Orchid Farm' where we did not see a single Orchid. However, there are many bunnies in the so called farm. They even have a wild boar- or rather a pet boar. Yup=) Things was going so well until we choose the wrong path back.
Someone decided to skip the 2 super steep slope where we came from and returned by the other path. And then, we got somehow lost. It was initially okay to get lost. However, we got lost in a narrow path filled with muddy mud which eats slippers got stuck deep into the mud such that I had to somehow dig it out. Ade's slipper disappeared in to a puddle of mud. Then we had to walk bare-footed because our feet kept slipping out of our slippers. How irritating. It was already 530pm and we were still trapped inside the narrow path with mud all over us and the bicycles. I was pretty scared that we won't reach the main road by nightfall.
Luckily, we did it. In the end, we went one big round around the lagoon, went back to the same spot. Then we all agreed to ride back the same way where we will passed by the 2 steep slopes. I can still remember someone saying before we choose to avoid the 2 steep slopes- ' What can be worse then 2 steep slopes?' Oh well, now I can answer it- the muddy narrow path.
Besides being exhausted and hungry, I thought it was totally worthy. It was actually fun looking back. This is what I call an adventure @ Pulau Ubin.

Viewing tower


Mud therapy anyone?

Group photo

Pulau Ubin and Us
I used to blog when I m sad. Lots to say, lots to complain and lots to grumble. Now its different, as much as I want ppl to know I m sad or unhappy, I have nth much to blog about. I have no idea why.
-Still, I am unhappy-
IVP Clashes with Bangkok Trip
Damn!!! The 2 most looking forward event in Jan 2008-Clashes... Argh.. What am i supposed to do?
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
Killer steamboat
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I forgot to mention that me falling sick maybe due to too much steamboat on Christmas Day. Alex, Chong Meng, Wenqi and me went to bugis for a steamboat dinner and return with sickness the following day. Alex: Diarrhea 4 or 5 times a day. Chong Meng: Fever plus diarrhea. Wenqi: Diarrhea and feeling weak. Eileen aka me: Fever, flu and fainty.
I am not 100% sure if it's due to the steamboat. But 4 people falling sick at the same time is a point to be noted..

Place where we had our steamboat dinner.
Eat at your own risk....
Christmas Sickness
Falling really sick this few days.
I almost fainted in the train yesterday while travelling back to school for ivp training. Luckily Alex was around and managed to lead me out of the train. Hmm.. This is the third time of my life feeling fainty. First time was due to the call of mother nature. Menses cramp like crazy. I almost fainted at the a hawker centre. I can still remember the handmade noodle I ordered. I hardly ate any. Second time was after a minor surgery. I tot I was well enough to walk until my vision started to blur. And then was yesterday. Good thing I never really faint before.
Anyway, besides the fainting thingy, I was down with fever and flu I think. So I really didn't mean to skip IVP training. I am feeling alittle better today though.
Yup=) Get well soon...
Chaotic Week
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Won my first table tennis match. First set: 11-0. Second match: 11-0. Third match: 11-0. because opponent walked over. yeah =)
Won my first softball match. Opponent walked over again. yeah=)
Lost my first tennis match because opponent did not walk over. =(
Won hockey match without opponent walking over. yeah yeah=)
Rudey the road runner
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Just returned DD(real name: Milo) to his owner. Sort of happy yet sad. I m gonna miss him..
New kid in the house.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Rudey or rather D.D
Alex and I found DD last Sat at Serangoon North. He was just wandering around the streets. Initially, we wanted to keep him. Poor little DD is sort afraid of friendly little Rusty. We are still trying to find DD a new owner before he ran away again like he always do. Anyone want a Maltese?
Name: Rudey the Road runner
Sex: Male- sterilised
Breed: Maltese
Build: Skinny
Color: White
Paper trained
There all I know about him. He is really very sweet. He is pretty timid and surely loves the company of human beings. He loves hugging. HE loves sleeping beside you. He will just hop on to the bed and sleep beside you without you even knowing until you wake up. He really need lots of love and care which sadly I can't give him. I do not have the time to protect him when he is scared and I can't spend all my spare time with him and neglect my little boy Rusty. I really love DD but I cant give him a safe and warm home. Anyone out there wants to adopt him?

DD sleeping so comfy on Alex's bed


Spot the living thing.

Do they all have to happen at the same time?!
There's like trainings or matches every single day.
And Stupid IVP clashes with my Bangkok trip. The fact that I'm gonna miss two Ivp matches due to the trip is killing me. I am training my hardest like every single training now. My legs are aching like crazy, feel like they are gonna give way anytime. But it is sort of worth it. Every since the friendly with South Africa Boys, I learned a new thing from trg and gain a new goal for the next trg. Sort of happy. Think I m really growing as a player.
Still, I am really exhausted.
Pulau Ubin
Monday, December 3, 2007
It had been 10000 years since I set foot on the island. Still remember the last time I went, was with my family. We went there for our usual fishing trip. Dad used to bring us to every part of Singapore to fish every Sunday. Sometimes we get to go overseas to fish with him=)
Back to yesterday, Pulau Ubin looks so different as compared to 10000 years ago. I don't know- it's just different. We went to Chek Jewa. Everything went well. We climbed the super tall viewing tower, dug for little crabs and killed one accidentally and looked at little mud skippers suntanning on the rocks. Me and Wen Qi even saw a wild boar family running right across the path in front of us. Cool. We even went to this so called 'Orchid Farm' where we did not see a single Orchid. However, there are many bunnies in the so called farm. They even have a wild boar- or rather a pet boar. Yup=) Things was going so well until we choose the wrong path back.
Someone decided to skip the 2 super steep slope where we came from and returned by the other path. And then, we got somehow lost. It was initially okay to get lost. However, we got lost in a narrow path filled with muddy mud which eats slippers got stuck deep into the mud such that I had to somehow dig it out. Ade's slipper disappeared in to a puddle of mud. Then we had to walk bare-footed because our feet kept slipping out of our slippers. How irritating. It was already 530pm and we were still trapped inside the narrow path with mud all over us and the bicycles. I was pretty scared that we won't reach the main road by nightfall.
Luckily, we did it. In the end, we went one big round around the lagoon, went back to the same spot. Then we all agreed to ride back the same way where we will passed by the 2 steep slopes. I can still remember someone saying before we choose to avoid the 2 steep slopes- ' What can be worse then 2 steep slopes?' Oh well, now I can answer it- the muddy narrow path.
Besides being exhausted and hungry, I thought it was totally worthy. It was actually fun looking back. This is what I call an adventure @ Pulau Ubin.

Viewing tower


Mud therapy anyone?

Group photo

Pulau Ubin and Us
I used to blog when I m sad. Lots to say, lots to complain and lots to grumble. Now its different, as much as I want ppl to know I m sad or unhappy, I have nth much to blog about. I have no idea why.
-Still, I am unhappy-
IVP Clashes with Bangkok Trip
Damn!!! The 2 most looking forward event in Jan 2008-Clashes... Argh.. What am i supposed to do?
I could hear you calling for me.