Tick tock on the clock, the party don't the stop.
Belated Vday Post
Monday, February 25, 2008

Canivore@Chimes for our Vday Dinner. Brazillian Buffet=)


My Vday Butterfly candy


Rusty Playing with Balloon
Monday, February 18, 2008
Got into Wantoks Toas- (to x, incase you don't know, Toas is Wantoks team A) ANd incase you don't know, Wantoks is the best Touch team in Sg. At least their championship trophies said so. =)
I still preferred to play in B-div though. I shall try playing for A-div this season since its only STL. I hope I'll do well. =)
Club Hopping
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I am sort of sad recently. I believed I am not the only one who feel this way. A bunch of 6 SRC-ians decided to club hop to Wantoks. And now we are left with 3. I am pretty upset and I really don't understand why people can change their mind within a split second. Didin't we went through alot of thinking just to decide whether to join the selections? Didn't we agree on one for all and all for one? I just don't understand.
I can't really blame them. Because I abandoned 2 of my best pals whom we trained up together. I really will help them in to Wantoks once everything is settled. But I doubt they will join Wantoks now since Asya is forming a team soon.
Oh ya, talking about Asya. Upset to the max. I don't understand why Asya didn't approach me and chong to join her club. Am I that bad a player? I felt worthless when I heard Asya asked everyone but me n Chong. I would definately waver if she asked me. I already sort of wavered when ning and Eho asked if I joining Wantoks. I feel I owe them something. Don't know. Anyway, I've always respect Asya. But for her to go behind all our backs to steal players from us like how we always say Barras approach players behind Asya's back? Isn't she doing what she dislikes in the first place? So what makes her different from Barras now? I am quite disppointed. She lost all my respect over one night. The night of my birthday celebration where Yili broke the news to me via SMS? Ya, SMS?
Sob. I am sad. I want an explanation from everyone. But I know I don't have the rights to. Coz I betrayed them first.
Birthday Party
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hey people!!! Thanks for attending Eileen's birthday party!=)
Hope everyone had fun.

Special thanks to Alex!!!
Thanks for making a patrick pinata for me. Even though it kinda failed but still loves it. Thanks for making a cute tee for Rusty. =) It says:" Happy 21st Birthday MOM!!" How sweet=) And thanks for everything. *muackz*

SPecIal dAy
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me-ee
Happy Birthday to meeee..
Yeah... *Claps*
Some pics of the birthday girl.. Heez


Happy 21st Birthday to me!!!
IVP Champs
Friday, February 1, 2008
Official IVP pics. I looked soooooo fat in the windbreaker.. Disgustingly fat. I was so looking forward to see my pretty face @ src- hall of fame. Sob Sob.. Looking forward no more. So fat..

Luckily this phot is better. As least I look reasonably cute.=) Kiddings. Still, much much better than the one above. I hope they put this photo at src. !00000 times better than the one above..
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
Belated Vday Post
Monday, February 25, 2008

Canivore@Chimes for our Vday Dinner. Brazillian Buffet=)


My Vday Butterfly candy


Rusty Playing with Balloon
Monday, February 18, 2008
Got into Wantoks Toas- (to x, incase you don't know, Toas is Wantoks team A) ANd incase you don't know, Wantoks is the best Touch team in Sg. At least their championship trophies said so. =)
I still preferred to play in B-div though. I shall try playing for A-div this season since its only STL. I hope I'll do well. =)
Club Hopping
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I am sort of sad recently. I believed I am not the only one who feel this way. A bunch of 6 SRC-ians decided to club hop to Wantoks. And now we are left with 3. I am pretty upset and I really don't understand why people can change their mind within a split second. Didin't we went through alot of thinking just to decide whether to join the selections? Didn't we agree on one for all and all for one? I just don't understand.
I can't really blame them. Because I abandoned 2 of my best pals whom we trained up together. I really will help them in to Wantoks once everything is settled. But I doubt they will join Wantoks now since Asya is forming a team soon.
Oh ya, talking about Asya. Upset to the max. I don't understand why Asya didn't approach me and chong to join her club. Am I that bad a player? I felt worthless when I heard Asya asked everyone but me n Chong. I would definately waver if she asked me. I already sort of wavered when ning and Eho asked if I joining Wantoks. I feel I owe them something. Don't know. Anyway, I've always respect Asya. But for her to go behind all our backs to steal players from us like how we always say Barras approach players behind Asya's back? Isn't she doing what she dislikes in the first place? So what makes her different from Barras now? I am quite disppointed. She lost all my respect over one night. The night of my birthday celebration where Yili broke the news to me via SMS? Ya, SMS?
Sob. I am sad. I want an explanation from everyone. But I know I don't have the rights to. Coz I betrayed them first.
Birthday Party
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hey people!!! Thanks for attending Eileen's birthday party!=)
Hope everyone had fun.

Special thanks to Alex!!!
Thanks for making a patrick pinata for me. Even though it kinda failed but still loves it. Thanks for making a cute tee for Rusty. =) It says:" Happy 21st Birthday MOM!!" How sweet=) And thanks for everything. *muackz*

SPecIal dAy
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me-ee
Happy Birthday to meeee..
Yeah... *Claps*
Some pics of the birthday girl.. Heez


Happy 21st Birthday to me!!!
IVP Champs
Friday, February 1, 2008
Official IVP pics. I looked soooooo fat in the windbreaker.. Disgustingly fat. I was so looking forward to see my pretty face @ src- hall of fame. Sob Sob.. Looking forward no more. So fat..

Luckily this phot is better. As least I look reasonably cute.=) Kiddings. Still, much much better than the one above. I hope they put this photo at src. !00000 times better than the one above..
I could hear you calling for me.