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Tick tock on the clock, the party don't the stop.
  • Wenqi
  • QiuYan
  • Ugly Jane
  • Alex Travel Blog
  • Thursday, June 26, 2008

    It has been almost 2 weeks after joining Exxonmobil for an internship. It's kinda fun there except that now I am almost all alone after the previous intern left. Sob. I have no lunch buddy till the new interns arrive which is like 7 July. *Sigh* 6 more days of lonely lunches.

    Anyway, check me out in the safety uniform. Haha.. I totally ruin the cool and musculine image of the uniform. They look like oversized pj.. =)

    Monday, June 9, 2008

    I love to mock people. I love to tease people. As for now, I love to believe that Karma doesn't exist. But clearly it does.

    Things had changed. I have met my match. I am now a victim of a mockery. And I hate it. I really don't mind people teasing or mocking me. I am never the petty kind when it comes to teasing because I know it means no harm. At the end of the day, we'll just laugh it off. However, as long as our so called friendship is in concern, I have never gotta angry with Z* whom I felt actually meant his teasing sometimes.

    I am just secretly sad and hurt. I am girl. It's just hurtful when someone doesn't believe in you and yet push you down. Not as if I wanted him to believe in me since we are not related in anyhow. But how would you feel when you got in an audition and you told your friend. The 1st word that popped out was 'Are you lying?' and continued with 'You are definitely lying!'

    Or even after he finally believed it's the truth and continued with things like ' Did you shove tissue into you bra during the audition?' or 'You are friend of the judges?'

    I got in fair and square!!! Sigh

    Karma hits me hard.

    *Identity protected

    Singapore Vs Uzbekistan
    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    Go Lions! Went to National Stadium to support the Lions yesterday. It was pretty cool seeing so many ppl dressing up in red and white for this event. Haha. Thou Uzbekistan's wearing white. Heez. I tot the last goal that Singapore scored was damn cool. =) Overall, defense and speed was a disappointment. =( Still, I believe Singapore did good, with room for improvement.
    What I hate most was those fans who cursed and swore at our own team. Shouldn't you stand by your team when they were down? Hmm.. There's this China man kept cursing our goal keeper which was so irritating. He kept pointing middle finger at the field after the game. I think its so totally Childish. Bleh. Whatever.
    Overall, I enjoyed my night~even thou I dropped $17 before entering the stadium. Sob
    The Irritating China man. Identity protected in case he sue me=)