New Hair Cut
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I had a total change of hair style yesterday. Hmm.. I m still not exactly use to it. Hmm... I look like some china doll. Who cares. Not out to please anyone.
Hmm.. Just wanted a whole new look=)
Next up: Short hair!!!
Birthday Party
Didn't had time to blog. Anyway I went to celebrate my little boy's birthday last Wed (actual bday on Thurs) I bought him a doggie cake for his 2nd Birthday. The cake was great and Rusty love it=)
Here's some pics to share:

The Birthday Boy

And his cake
Wenqi and Rusty
Thursday, August 28, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!Happy 21st Birthday to WEnQI
Happy 2nd Birthday to Rusty
Wrong Move, Aung.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
You killed my passionFor starters, there's this person named Aung, running for Hall One Sports Sec. And today is the Rally where fellow hall Oners can share their views about the upcoming JCRC.
Naturally, being a sports player I decided to qns the upcoming or maybe not, sports sec. Especially after listening to some rumours that Aung is going to concentrate on 3 sports, mainly those who have chances of winning.
So I asked if he gonna concentrate on 3 sports, how about the other sports? So he deemed they have no chances of winning already? And also, talking about passion, what about people who have passion like me, who nv played table tennis before and went down for IH on a Sat morning just to feel the numbers. Guess what I won my 1st ever Table Tennis match. Coz opponent walked over. Just sharing my passion.
Guess what he said?! Aung: " Oh you have personal reasons mah... The ex-sports sec is your boyfriend mah?! ANd I don't have any girlfriend in hall to come play IH for me."
Please Aung, wrong move I shd say. So you mean everyone whoes willing to play for IH is Alex's girlfriend or boy friend?! I nv know he's bisexual. So you played for quite some IH sports, so that makes you his boyfriend too?! Even if everyone is his flings or so, do you have the skills to make relationships like he or Jun Wei does? It's relationship that drags those ass down for IH. That's something you failed.
Next, I can't believe you even mention about the 4x100m. You said you have track exprience, and yet you caused a team with hopes to lose. You don't even know that you have to run to receive the baton?! Caused Jerry to bang into you while passing the baton to you.
And also, talking about we both play Rugby, and your immediate reaction was: "OH I play Rugby, you play Touch Rugby." *with a smirk*
Hey Aung, I know the difference between Touch Rugby and Rugby. Don't be all so holy manly about it. I heard you are not even that good to begin with. And please la, Rugby evolved from Touch Rugby. YOu bloody learnt Touch before contact rugby. Also, You just happened to be the team manager because you self proclaimed you are. You are not even the rightful Rugby team manager.
Not being not sporty here, but I swear I am not gonna join IH if you become the sports sec ( which you prob will, there's no one to compete with anyway).
I am just a Gu niang Touch Rugby PLayer, you don't really need me.
People, vote for him if you want. I am just sharing my opinions and not stopping anyone from voting for him.
End of story
When good intention turns bad
I was just being caring.
Ended up being ignored.
Being more than 10000km away from you makes me unease.
Moreover, you are alone.
I just wouldn't know what to do if anything ever happen to you?
I guess I would blame myself for not standing firm today.
Oh well, I doubt you will ever understand that feeling.
90 more unease days
Still missing you
Dog Expo
Monday, August 25, 2008
Brought Rusty to Dog Expo Last Sunday. Crazy?!! It was pretty crazy bringing a noobish drooling machine who goes ard sniffing every single dog. I was totally tire out after that. Still, check out the cutie drooling pooch of mine. =)

1st sniffing action of the day

Big-boned schnauzer

Huge Husky

Rusty sniffing the big ass

Little poodle all posed up=)

This pup totally loves to play

Fancy a kiss?

That's my girl! (My fav pic)

The drooling machine and mum
I peeled off my toe nail
All I could say is: Check Out The Pics!!!

Before: With just a crack

Slowly able to see through

Gently peeling it

Love peeling it

Totally peeling it

Done: Ugly mini toe nail
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I tot you might miss Rusty so uploaded some pics of him.

Daddy.. I am a star..=)

Heez.. Mummy always like to make me look stupid.
Anyway, Rusty was quite funny today. As usual running and hopping ard. HAha. While playing with your mum, he did a 'squatting hop turn'. Hmm.. it's like he made a 180 degree U turn via hopping at squatting position with his front paws up. I don't really know if you understand. But it was hilarious. Haha
100 days
Winter Touch League
Last Saturday Winter Touch League against the Firebirds ended with the score 8-0. Even though the result looks pretty disappointing but I didn't really felt that we lost. Yes, we could have done better. However, measuring the fact that we have new players in our team and the fact that the opponents are undeniably stringer than us, I tot we did well.=)
It was fun getting to play with the ex-coyotes after that. And getting together with them after that makes me realise I have missing out alot. Hmm.. Haven't really been going out with the naughty nips. Jane!!! Ask me out...... =)
My addiction
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to go to work
after you left?Coz it means that I am one day closer to meeting you.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to strike off all the yesterdays on the calender
after you left?Coz it means that the time barrier between us is reducing.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to count the every second of my life
after you left?Coz it means that I can witness every less sec between us
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to talking to Pui Pui
after you left?Coz it means that I have so much things to tell you.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to tearing over the not-so-touching scenes on TV
after you left? Coz it means that I am missing you
It all started
after you left. 104 more days
Jack and Jill
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Was munching away this bag of Jack n Jill potato chips while becoming fatter a couple of days ago. And I found this.

The 1st thing that came to my mind was you.=)
Just to let you know.
I *heart* you
XOXO 105 days
I am sad
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I guess distance wasn't the biggest barrier between us.
It's expectation. We probably expect too much from each other. A few minutes of disconnection, or alittle chat with a stranger can make us feel out of the picture.
I guess we are both vulnerable now. Every min of each other's attention is like a precious gem. That's when we need to be more understanding and learn to be more sensitive towards each other.
We shouldn't be upset over puny issues which shouldn't even exists.
I want to be the best girlfriend in the world no matter where you are. Because I love you.
I am sorry for everything.
PS; 110 days without you
Clumsy Me
Monday, August 4, 2008
My toe nail is dropping... 20% more to leaving my macho big toe. Sob...
I am gonna have 9 toe nails sooon...
PS: 112 days
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
New Hair Cut
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I had a total change of hair style yesterday. Hmm.. I m still not exactly use to it. Hmm... I look like some china doll. Who cares. Not out to please anyone.
Hmm.. Just wanted a whole new look=)
Next up: Short hair!!!
Birthday Party
Didn't had time to blog. Anyway I went to celebrate my little boy's birthday last Wed (actual bday on Thurs) I bought him a doggie cake for his 2nd Birthday. The cake was great and Rusty love it=)
Here's some pics to share:

The Birthday Boy

And his cake
Wenqi and Rusty
Thursday, August 28, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!Happy 21st Birthday to WEnQI
Happy 2nd Birthday to Rusty
Wrong Move, Aung.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
You killed my passionFor starters, there's this person named Aung, running for Hall One Sports Sec. And today is the Rally where fellow hall Oners can share their views about the upcoming JCRC.
Naturally, being a sports player I decided to qns the upcoming or maybe not, sports sec. Especially after listening to some rumours that Aung is going to concentrate on 3 sports, mainly those who have chances of winning.
So I asked if he gonna concentrate on 3 sports, how about the other sports? So he deemed they have no chances of winning already? And also, talking about passion, what about people who have passion like me, who nv played table tennis before and went down for IH on a Sat morning just to feel the numbers. Guess what I won my 1st ever Table Tennis match. Coz opponent walked over. Just sharing my passion.
Guess what he said?! Aung: " Oh you have personal reasons mah... The ex-sports sec is your boyfriend mah?! ANd I don't have any girlfriend in hall to come play IH for me."
Please Aung, wrong move I shd say. So you mean everyone whoes willing to play for IH is Alex's girlfriend or boy friend?! I nv know he's bisexual. So you played for quite some IH sports, so that makes you his boyfriend too?! Even if everyone is his flings or so, do you have the skills to make relationships like he or Jun Wei does? It's relationship that drags those ass down for IH. That's something you failed.
Next, I can't believe you even mention about the 4x100m. You said you have track exprience, and yet you caused a team with hopes to lose. You don't even know that you have to run to receive the baton?! Caused Jerry to bang into you while passing the baton to you.
And also, talking about we both play Rugby, and your immediate reaction was: "OH I play Rugby, you play Touch Rugby." *with a smirk*
Hey Aung, I know the difference between Touch Rugby and Rugby. Don't be all so holy manly about it. I heard you are not even that good to begin with. And please la, Rugby evolved from Touch Rugby. YOu bloody learnt Touch before contact rugby. Also, You just happened to be the team manager because you self proclaimed you are. You are not even the rightful Rugby team manager.
Not being not sporty here, but I swear I am not gonna join IH if you become the sports sec ( which you prob will, there's no one to compete with anyway).
I am just a Gu niang Touch Rugby PLayer, you don't really need me.
People, vote for him if you want. I am just sharing my opinions and not stopping anyone from voting for him.
End of story
When good intention turns bad
I was just being caring.
Ended up being ignored.
Being more than 10000km away from you makes me unease.
Moreover, you are alone.
I just wouldn't know what to do if anything ever happen to you?
I guess I would blame myself for not standing firm today.
Oh well, I doubt you will ever understand that feeling.
90 more unease days
Still missing you
Dog Expo
Monday, August 25, 2008
Brought Rusty to Dog Expo Last Sunday. Crazy?!! It was pretty crazy bringing a noobish drooling machine who goes ard sniffing every single dog. I was totally tire out after that. Still, check out the cutie drooling pooch of mine. =)

1st sniffing action of the day

Big-boned schnauzer

Huge Husky

Rusty sniffing the big ass

Little poodle all posed up=)

This pup totally loves to play

Fancy a kiss?

That's my girl! (My fav pic)

The drooling machine and mum
I peeled off my toe nail
All I could say is: Check Out The Pics!!!

Before: With just a crack

Slowly able to see through

Gently peeling it

Love peeling it

Totally peeling it

Done: Ugly mini toe nail
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I tot you might miss Rusty so uploaded some pics of him.

Daddy.. I am a star..=)

Heez.. Mummy always like to make me look stupid.
Anyway, Rusty was quite funny today. As usual running and hopping ard. HAha. While playing with your mum, he did a 'squatting hop turn'. Hmm.. it's like he made a 180 degree U turn via hopping at squatting position with his front paws up. I don't really know if you understand. But it was hilarious. Haha
100 days
Winter Touch League
Last Saturday Winter Touch League against the Firebirds ended with the score 8-0. Even though the result looks pretty disappointing but I didn't really felt that we lost. Yes, we could have done better. However, measuring the fact that we have new players in our team and the fact that the opponents are undeniably stringer than us, I tot we did well.=)
It was fun getting to play with the ex-coyotes after that. And getting together with them after that makes me realise I have missing out alot. Hmm.. Haven't really been going out with the naughty nips. Jane!!! Ask me out...... =)
My addiction
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to go to work
after you left?Coz it means that I am one day closer to meeting you.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to strike off all the yesterdays on the calender
after you left?Coz it means that the time barrier between us is reducing.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to count the every second of my life
after you left?Coz it means that I can witness every less sec between us
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to talking to Pui Pui
after you left?Coz it means that I have so much things to tell you.
Have I ever told you that I am addicted to tearing over the not-so-touching scenes on TV
after you left? Coz it means that I am missing you
It all started
after you left. 104 more days
Jack and Jill
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Was munching away this bag of Jack n Jill potato chips while becoming fatter a couple of days ago. And I found this.

The 1st thing that came to my mind was you.=)
Just to let you know.
I *heart* you
XOXO 105 days
I am sad
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I guess distance wasn't the biggest barrier between us.
It's expectation. We probably expect too much from each other. A few minutes of disconnection, or alittle chat with a stranger can make us feel out of the picture.
I guess we are both vulnerable now. Every min of each other's attention is like a precious gem. That's when we need to be more understanding and learn to be more sensitive towards each other.
We shouldn't be upset over puny issues which shouldn't even exists.
I want to be the best girlfriend in the world no matter where you are. Because I love you.
I am sorry for everything.
PS; 110 days without you
Clumsy Me
Monday, August 4, 2008
My toe nail is dropping... 20% more to leaving my macho big toe. Sob...
I am gonna have 9 toe nails sooon...
PS: 112 days
I could hear you calling for me.