Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hi people. I have visited 3 new cities since I last blogged. First I'll talk about Bergen.
First, we overslept and missed our morning train to Bergen in which resulted in us taking the night train. Also, last minute train tickets are not cheap but we did not really have a choice. Our Fjord tour tickets cost more. Oh wells, it's all worth it I guess. Bergen is so beautiful.
In addition to the beautiful city, we got an apartment for our stay. It was really nice and clean and comfy. Too bad we were only staying for 2 nights rather than the initial 3 nights. Still, it's nice to visit Bergen.
So Day 1, we went to this hill via some sky train thingy. It was really beautiful. You can totally see the whole city. It's like some park on the hill top which was really beautiful.
Day 2, we went to visit the Fjord in Flam. It was breath-taking-ly beautiful. Hmm.. It's like we were living in some kind of 'postcard-land'. It's just some place you will never picture yourself at. Check out the pics and you will understand. A picture speaks a thousand words.

Check Bergen and me out
here and
here and
here. Heez
Monday, December 1, 2008
AmsterdamDay One
--> Reached Amsterdam at about 10pm due to some train delays.
--> Checked in.
--> A beer in the Pub.
--> Rest.
Day Two
--> Visited Anne Frank House - the place where the Jewish girl and her family hid from Hitler's troop.
--> Went to Baba the Coffeeshop
--> Shared a space cake with 5 others
--> Smoked Marijuana (Skunk White Widow) with 3 others
--> Got high and scared
Day three
--> Visit the little town with the windmills=)
--> Shopping till late
Day 4
--> Roam around Amsterdam
--> Visited 2 markets
--> Bought a pair of boots
--> Saw a big doggie=)
--> Bought a mini basket of mini strawberries
--> Continue shooping till late
Day 5
--> Back to Oslo
Amsterdam was literally the 1st city I have visited in Europe since I only have less than half a day in Oslo before leaving for Amsterdam.
It was great. Very much like what I have pictured, drugs and sex, too bad we are not allowed to take pics of those horny chicks in the red windows. It's a really cool city. They have canals like every other streets and to my surprise, there are many swans and ducks in them.
The weather was not quite appealing though. It was windy most of the time and rained a couple of times.=)I managed to survive though.
The most memorable part of the trip must be to smoke Marijuana. It was all cool until I decided to take more puffs when all others were already stoning. That was when I got caught by the Skunk White Widow. I lost control of my body. I felt totally in a dreamy state. I have no idea if I was dreaming. I was just trying to communicate with them so that you guys can wake me up. Still, it felt all so dreamy even after talking to Cheryl and you.
I have no idea why. I felt terrible. I was scared, really scared. I have never put myself in so much fear before. I couldn't feel you, her or even myself. I am not sure if you are really there or am I still smoking inside the coffee shop, thinking I have left the place.
At one point, I saw myself totally losing control of myself. My vision and hearing got blurred and I was really in fear, fear of dying, fear of not able to feel you again. Not till you gave me some sugar water=) from some pizza shop. The sugar water really did brought me back. I regained my vision and hearing but still in a dreamy state; still can't feel myself.
However, I was much happier after that. I know that you are real, though 10% of me still thinks that I am dreaming. I only remembered I talked allot after that. It was really funny. I forgot whatever I said like every 5 minutes like some drunken chick.=)
All in all, I just wanna thank you for taking care of me even when you were not sure if you yourself were ok=) I thought it was really sweet. *muack* Love you.
PS: Stop mocking me!
Oh wells, Other than drugs and sex. Amsterdam is still a nice place. We saw this big doggie with messy fur lying on by the road. He was sooooooooooo cute despite being huge. He likes to go between legs. How adorable=)
Oh, the fruits in one of the markets was dirt cheap. We bought like one mini basket of mini strawberries and 10 mandarins for 1 Euro each.
Finally, Amsterdam is a pretty young city. I would recommend all of you to visit Amsterdam if you can. Anyway things are cheaper than some other European countries.

Check Amsterdam and me out
here and
Hi people,
As most of you have already noticed, I am a million miles away from you guys.
I am in Oslo, Norway now with you playing PSP beside me=) It's really cool here. It's snowing now and then and it's freezing cooooold. Oslo is actually quite boring but the tot of being with you is just better=)
Here are some pictures of me in the land of the cold=)

I bought one luggage full of food from Singapore=) >10kg worth




Check Oslo and me out
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hi people. I have visited 3 new cities since I last blogged. First I'll talk about Bergen.
First, we overslept and missed our morning train to Bergen in which resulted in us taking the night train. Also, last minute train tickets are not cheap but we did not really have a choice. Our Fjord tour tickets cost more. Oh wells, it's all worth it I guess. Bergen is so beautiful.
In addition to the beautiful city, we got an apartment for our stay. It was really nice and clean and comfy. Too bad we were only staying for 2 nights rather than the initial 3 nights. Still, it's nice to visit Bergen.
So Day 1, we went to this hill via some sky train thingy. It was really beautiful. You can totally see the whole city. It's like some park on the hill top which was really beautiful.
Day 2, we went to visit the Fjord in Flam. It was breath-taking-ly beautiful. Hmm.. It's like we were living in some kind of 'postcard-land'. It's just some place you will never picture yourself at. Check out the pics and you will understand. A picture speaks a thousand words.

Check Bergen and me out
here and
here and
here. Heez
Monday, December 1, 2008
AmsterdamDay One
--> Reached Amsterdam at about 10pm due to some train delays.
--> Checked in.
--> A beer in the Pub.
--> Rest.
Day Two
--> Visited Anne Frank House - the place where the Jewish girl and her family hid from Hitler's troop.
--> Went to Baba the Coffeeshop
--> Shared a space cake with 5 others
--> Smoked Marijuana (Skunk White Widow) with 3 others
--> Got high and scared
Day three
--> Visit the little town with the windmills=)
--> Shopping till late
Day 4
--> Roam around Amsterdam
--> Visited 2 markets
--> Bought a pair of boots
--> Saw a big doggie=)
--> Bought a mini basket of mini strawberries
--> Continue shooping till late
Day 5
--> Back to Oslo
Amsterdam was literally the 1st city I have visited in Europe since I only have less than half a day in Oslo before leaving for Amsterdam.
It was great. Very much like what I have pictured, drugs and sex, too bad we are not allowed to take pics of those horny chicks in the red windows. It's a really cool city. They have canals like every other streets and to my surprise, there are many swans and ducks in them.
The weather was not quite appealing though. It was windy most of the time and rained a couple of times.=)I managed to survive though.
The most memorable part of the trip must be to smoke Marijuana. It was all cool until I decided to take more puffs when all others were already stoning. That was when I got caught by the Skunk White Widow. I lost control of my body. I felt totally in a dreamy state. I have no idea if I was dreaming. I was just trying to communicate with them so that you guys can wake me up. Still, it felt all so dreamy even after talking to Cheryl and you.
I have no idea why. I felt terrible. I was scared, really scared. I have never put myself in so much fear before. I couldn't feel you, her or even myself. I am not sure if you are really there or am I still smoking inside the coffee shop, thinking I have left the place.
At one point, I saw myself totally losing control of myself. My vision and hearing got blurred and I was really in fear, fear of dying, fear of not able to feel you again. Not till you gave me some sugar water=) from some pizza shop. The sugar water really did brought me back. I regained my vision and hearing but still in a dreamy state; still can't feel myself.
However, I was much happier after that. I know that you are real, though 10% of me still thinks that I am dreaming. I only remembered I talked allot after that. It was really funny. I forgot whatever I said like every 5 minutes like some drunken chick.=)
All in all, I just wanna thank you for taking care of me even when you were not sure if you yourself were ok=) I thought it was really sweet. *muack* Love you.
PS: Stop mocking me!
Oh wells, Other than drugs and sex. Amsterdam is still a nice place. We saw this big doggie with messy fur lying on by the road. He was sooooooooooo cute despite being huge. He likes to go between legs. How adorable=)
Oh, the fruits in one of the markets was dirt cheap. We bought like one mini basket of mini strawberries and 10 mandarins for 1 Euro each.
Finally, Amsterdam is a pretty young city. I would recommend all of you to visit Amsterdam if you can. Anyway things are cheaper than some other European countries.

Check Amsterdam and me out
here and
Hi people,
As most of you have already noticed, I am a million miles away from you guys.
I am in Oslo, Norway now with you playing PSP beside me=) It's really cool here. It's snowing now and then and it's freezing cooooold. Oslo is actually quite boring but the tot of being with you is just better=)
Here are some pictures of me in the land of the cold=)

I bought one luggage full of food from Singapore=) >10kg worth




Check Oslo and me out
I could hear you calling for me.