Happy Birthday Rusty
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This Post is alittle outdated. ANyway, Rusty turned 4 this 28 August 2010.
We (mainly Alex) baked a peanut butter + ham birthday cake=) Rusty loves the cake. He couldn't resists but to sneak attack the cake before we could sing him a Birthday song or even cut the cake.Nonetheless, we are just happy that Rusty loves the cake.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSTY!!!For more Rusty in action, click
Ah Tiongs Vs Blangla
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I have decided to write this post because I was awaken by a group of ah tiongs moving in to the unit directly above my house. The worse thing is they have to do it the day after my night shift! They were rather loud and rude, demanded us to shift our cars so that they can park a giant lorry right at my door step and pass their stuff(in those black trash bag) through the window. I don't know if I should say that they are innovative or just simply lazy.
Anyway, back to the topic. Ah tiongs Vs Blangla. Reasons on why they are not welcomed.
Ah Tiongs
-Loud and Rude
-Dirty and unhygenic (Spitting/littering)
-Dangerous riding of bicycle as if they are back at home
- Se Mi Mi everytime
- Always in a big group
Can't believe I am going to say this but if I were to choose, I rather have more Blanglas than Tiongs Tiongs. At least blangla are the secretly irritating ones while tiongs are the loud and rude ones. One point for Blangla *Ting Ting*
Anyway, I once saw a documentary on foreign workers in Singapore aka Blangla. It kinda change my impression of them at least alittle. The Morale of the story is Friends are more important than Money. The film showcase the friendships of the foreign workers. Though they are all relatively poor and saving up money to send home every month, they are more than willing to lend money to their friends when in need. And by money, I don't mean $50 or what, sometimes they are willing to lend like their one mth salary.
I mean for someone who's eating white rice with veg curry almost everyday, I would not expect this kind of friendship. But anyway, I am really impressed and will never give the disgusted look when I spot them holding hands etc. Way the go Blanglas=)
Shi Du, Beijing
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Shi Du, China.
Shi Du, 十渡, as the name suggested, is the tenth valley. There's many other valleys but we heard that tenth is best. And true enough, we had lotsa fun there.
Shi Du is a simple and relaxing place, four hour train ride from BeiJing City. We had a farmstay for 1D2N with the most amazing and friendly people on earth. We stayed at You San Jia Yuan, and everyone there is just simple and welcoming.
The accomodation, though not like any of the 5stars hotels available in Beijing, it is simple, clean and well equipped with hot shower and TV. Most importantly, It only costed like SGD6 for one night for 4 of us. Do your Math and you will realised how cheap it really really is.
Another awesome thing was the food!!! I still remember our first night at Shidu, we ate at the homestyle restaurant owned by You San Uncle, the same person who provided us with the farmstay. The waitress asked: "Do you guys want to eat grilled fish?" And we were like :" Ya, that will be great." And next thing we knew, she brought us out to the pond outside, made us choose one, caught it and killed it right in front of us. It was pretty cool. And the fish tasted amazing.
The next day, we ordered Grilled half Lamb for dinner before heading out for our moring activity. Anyway, we went for whitewater rafting. The rush was super mild but nonetheless, still very fun. Because all of us were well-equipped with our water guns and Alex with his water pail. =) Yup, wewere threnched when we hit the finish line.

Later on, we went mountain climbing. It was tiring and scary at times. The only regret was that we didn't reach the peak. We ran out of time. They have people there to lock the gate to the peak at certain time. =( Anyway, it was still pretty fun.

So we came back and guess what we saw?! A living goat tied to a tree near our restaurant. Sob Sob. Feel kinda bad. We were pretty sure the grilled lamb we are having later on used to be his/her brother or sister or friend. But anyway, the grilled lamb was really nice.=)

So all I want say is that Shidu is an awesome place, so give it a try if you are travelling to China.=)
Check out the link here. It is in Chinese though.
Let me hear you call my name.
Eileen Khoo Yi Ling
A Doggie Lover
- Mom of Mr Rusty Tan-Khoo, Mini Schnauzer
A Touch Football Player
- NTU Captain 09/10
- Singapore Womens Team 08
A Cheerleader
- UNISUS 2007 & 2008
A Pork Lover
- simply love the taste of pork
A Shopaholic
- never return empty-handed
A Model Wannabee
- Singtel Grid Girl 2008 Top 44
- Toy, Comic & Games Convention 2009, Playbabe Finalist
Feel free to contact me for any event jobs or editorial shoots=)
A Travelling Lover
Been to:
-Australia (Sydney,Melbourne,Port Macquarie)
-Austria (Vienna)
-Belgium (Brussels, Bruges)
-Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap)
-China (Beijing, ShiDu)
-Czech Republic (Prague)
-England (London, Manchester)
-France (Paris)
-Germany (Munich, Berlin, Bremen)
-Holland (Amsterdam)
-Indonesia (Batam, Peneng)
-Italy (Rome,Pisa, Florence, Venice)
-Japan (Toyko, Hakone)
-Korea (Seoul, Chuncheon, Suwon, Jeju Island)
-Malaysia (Johor, KL, Malacca,Genting)
-Norway (Oslo, Bergen)
-Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna)
-Taiwan (Taipei, Taizhong, Hualien)
-Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya)
-Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, MuiNe)
A Total of 20 Countries and 47 cities.
Happy Birthday Rusty
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This Post is alittle outdated. ANyway, Rusty turned 4 this 28 August 2010.
We (mainly Alex) baked a peanut butter + ham birthday cake=) Rusty loves the cake. He couldn't resists but to sneak attack the cake before we could sing him a Birthday song or even cut the cake.Nonetheless, we are just happy that Rusty loves the cake.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSTY!!!For more Rusty in action, click
Ah Tiongs Vs Blangla
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I have decided to write this post because I was awaken by a group of ah tiongs moving in to the unit directly above my house. The worse thing is they have to do it the day after my night shift! They were rather loud and rude, demanded us to shift our cars so that they can park a giant lorry right at my door step and pass their stuff(in those black trash bag) through the window. I don't know if I should say that they are innovative or just simply lazy.
Anyway, back to the topic. Ah tiongs Vs Blangla. Reasons on why they are not welcomed.
Ah Tiongs
-Loud and Rude
-Dirty and unhygenic (Spitting/littering)
-Dangerous riding of bicycle as if they are back at home
- Se Mi Mi everytime
- Always in a big group
Can't believe I am going to say this but if I were to choose, I rather have more Blanglas than Tiongs Tiongs. At least blangla are the secretly irritating ones while tiongs are the loud and rude ones. One point for Blangla *Ting Ting*
Anyway, I once saw a documentary on foreign workers in Singapore aka Blangla. It kinda change my impression of them at least alittle. The Morale of the story is Friends are more important than Money. The film showcase the friendships of the foreign workers. Though they are all relatively poor and saving up money to send home every month, they are more than willing to lend money to their friends when in need. And by money, I don't mean $50 or what, sometimes they are willing to lend like their one mth salary.
I mean for someone who's eating white rice with veg curry almost everyday, I would not expect this kind of friendship. But anyway, I am really impressed and will never give the disgusted look when I spot them holding hands etc. Way the go Blanglas=)
Shi Du, Beijing
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Shi Du, China.
Shi Du, 十渡, as the name suggested, is the tenth valley. There's many other valleys but we heard that tenth is best. And true enough, we had lotsa fun there.
Shi Du is a simple and relaxing place, four hour train ride from BeiJing City. We had a farmstay for 1D2N with the most amazing and friendly people on earth. We stayed at You San Jia Yuan, and everyone there is just simple and welcoming.
The accomodation, though not like any of the 5stars hotels available in Beijing, it is simple, clean and well equipped with hot shower and TV. Most importantly, It only costed like SGD6 for one night for 4 of us. Do your Math and you will realised how cheap it really really is.
Another awesome thing was the food!!! I still remember our first night at Shidu, we ate at the homestyle restaurant owned by You San Uncle, the same person who provided us with the farmstay. The waitress asked: "Do you guys want to eat grilled fish?" And we were like :" Ya, that will be great." And next thing we knew, she brought us out to the pond outside, made us choose one, caught it and killed it right in front of us. It was pretty cool. And the fish tasted amazing.
The next day, we ordered Grilled half Lamb for dinner before heading out for our moring activity. Anyway, we went for whitewater rafting. The rush was super mild but nonetheless, still very fun. Because all of us were well-equipped with our water guns and Alex with his water pail. =) Yup, wewere threnched when we hit the finish line.

Later on, we went mountain climbing. It was tiring and scary at times. The only regret was that we didn't reach the peak. We ran out of time. They have people there to lock the gate to the peak at certain time. =( Anyway, it was still pretty fun.

So we came back and guess what we saw?! A living goat tied to a tree near our restaurant. Sob Sob. Feel kinda bad. We were pretty sure the grilled lamb we are having later on used to be his/her brother or sister or friend. But anyway, the grilled lamb was really nice.=)

So all I want say is that Shidu is an awesome place, so give it a try if you are travelling to China.=)
Check out the link here. It is in Chinese though.